Gunjan Agarwal
PhD, Mechanical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Sep 2009 – Jun 2012
PhD in Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation Committee: Carol Livermore (Advisor), Sangeeta Bhatia, Evelyn Wang
Major in Mechanics and Microsystems, Minor in Finance at MIT Sloan School of Management
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Sep 2007 – Jun 2009
S.M. in Department of Mechanical Engineering
Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
Sep 2003 – Jun 2007
B.E. in Department of Manufacturing Processes and Automation Engineering
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Agarwal, G., Robertson, R., Sonar, H. and Paik, J., Design and Computational Modeling of a Modular, Compliant Robotic Assembly for Human Lumbar Unit and Spinal Cord Assistance, Scientific Reports, 7, 14391 (2017).
Agarwal, G., Besuchet, N., Audergon, B. and Paik, J., Stretchable Materials for Robust Soft Actuators towards Assistive Wearable Devices, Scientific Reports, 6, 34224 (2016).
Agarwal, G., Kazior, T., Kenny, T., Weinstein, D., Modeling and Analysis for Thermal Management in GaN HEMTs using Microfluidic Cooling, ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, 139(1), 011001 (2016).
Agarwal, G., Paez, L. and Paik, J., Design and Analysis of a Soft Pneumatic Actuator with Origami Shell Reinforcement, Soft Robotics, 3 (3), 109-119. (2016).
Agarwal, G., and Livermore, C., “Shape-Selective Assembly of Anisotropic, Deformable Microcomponents Using Bottom-Up Micromanufacturing”, Micromachines, 7 (4), 68 (2016).
P. Moseley, J.M. Florez, H.A. Sonar, G. Agarwal, W. Curtin, J.Paik. Modeling and Design of Soft Pneumatic Actuators, Advanced Engineering Materials, 18(6) (2015).
Agarwal, G., Servi, A., and Livermore, C., “Size-Selective, Biocompatible, Manufacturable Platform for Structuring Deformable Microsystems”, Lab on a Chip, 14 (17), 3385 - 3393 (2014).
Agarwal, G. and Livermore, C., “Chip-Based Size-Selective Sorting of Biological Cells using High Frequency Acoustic Excitation”, Lab on a Chip, 11 (13), 2204-2211 (2011).
Agarwal, G., Servi, A., Eid, F., and Livermore, C., “Selective Self-Assembly of Polymer Structures Using Templated Assembly by Selective Removal”, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 10 (3), 617-625 (2011).
2010 - present
2010 - present
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
Agarwal, G. and Livermore, C., “Selectively Controlling the 2D Organization of Mammalian Cells”, Technical Track on BioMEMS and On-Chip Devices, Proceedings of 40th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference – NEBEC 2014, Boston, Massachusetts (2014).
Agarwal, G. and Livermore, C., “Template-Guided Size-Selective Sorting and Assembly of Mammalian Cells”, Technical Track on Synthetic Biology”, Proceedings of Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO’12), Self-Assembled Architectures and Devices, Snowbird, Utah (2012).
Agarwal, G. and Livermore, C., “Chip-based Cell Patterning and Sorting using Templated Assembly by Selective Removal (TASR)”, Technical Track on MEMS and BioMEMS, Proceedings of Microsystems Annual Research Conference 2012, Waterville Valley, New Hampshire (2012).
Agarwal, G., and Livermore, C., “Templated Assembly by Selective Removal for Size-Selective Sorting of Biological Materials”, Technical Track: 1-1-2 on Nanoscale Biosensing Technologies for Medical Diagnostics, Paper ID: NEMB 2010-13128, Proceedings of NEMB2010, ASME 2010 First Global Congress on Nano Engineering for Medicine and Biology, Houston, TX (2010).
Agarwal, G., Servi, A. and Livermore, C., “Selective Sorting of Biological Materials using Templated Assembly by Selective Removal”, Technical Track on MEMS and BioMEMS, Proceedings of Microsystems Annual Research Conference 2010, Boston, Massachusetts (2010).
Agarwal, G., Servi, A. and Livermore, C., “Shape Selective Assembly in Deformable Systems using Templated Assembly by Selective Removal”, Technical Track on Self-Assembly Across Scales, Session 2, Proceedings of Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO’09), Self-Assembled Architectures and Devices, Snowbird, Utah (2009).
Agarwal, G., Servi, A. and Livermore, C., “Templated Assembly by Selective Removal”, Technical Track on MEMS and BioMEMS, Proceedings of Microsystems Annual Research Conference 2009, Waterville Valley, New Hampshire (2009).
Agarwal, G., Gupta, A., Singhi, G., Sankar, N. and Khanna, P., “Design and Fabrication of an Agile Sorting and Feeding System”, Paper ID: ISBN:978-988-98671-6-4, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science - WCECS 2007, San Francisco, CA (2007).
Agarwal, G., Gupta, A., Khanna, P.,“Performance Analysis and Mathematical Modeling of a Vibratory Bowl Feeder”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing and Technology Management, India (2007).
Agarwal, G., Purohit, R., Sahu, P. and Sagar, R.,“The Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of GFRP-Abrasive Parting Off Wheels”, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials, India (2007).
Agarwal, G., Gupta, A., and Khanna, P., “Design, Fabrication and Analysis of a Reciprocatory Funnel Feeder”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, India (2006)
Agarwal, G., Kasturia, N., Sharma, P., Purohit, R., Sahu, P. and Sagar, R., “To study the effect of grain size and die design on the cutting performance of glass fiber reinforced SiC abrasive cut–off wheels”, Session W1B Manufacturing Processes 1, Paper ID 255, Proceedings of the 7th Asian – Pacific international conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, Thailand (2006).
Theses and Reports
Agarwal, G., “Laying Technological Groundwork for Templated Assembly by Selective Removal (TASR) at Biological Length Scales”, PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2012).
Agarwal, G., and Livermore, C., “Size-Selective Sorting of Cells using Templated Assembly by Selective Removal”, MTL Annual Research Report, 1479 (2010).
Agarwal, G., “Selective Assembly in Deformable Systems using Templated Assembly by Selective Removal”, MS Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2009).
Agarwal, G., Eid, F., and Livermore, C., “Templated Assembly by Selective Removal”, MTL Annual Research Report, 4-49 (2008).
Awards and Honors
Exceptional Individual Contribution Recognition Award from Chief Vehicle Engineer, Tesla Inc., 2017
Pappalardo Graduate Fellowship, MIT Mechanical Engineering Department, 2007-2010
Best Research Presentation Award in the ASME’s NEMB 2010 Conference (Second Place), 2010
National Science Foundation (NSF) Summer Institute Fellowship, 2009
Undergraduate Scholarship, NSIT Manufacturing Engineering Department, 2004-2006
Best Technical Paper Presentation, ISA Annual Symposium, 2005
President’s Scholarship for Academic Excellence, India, 2002
Professional Experience
1. Tesla Inc. Fremont, CA
Senior Mechanical Design CAE Engineer Feb. 2017 - Present
Crash Safety
I. Leadership Experience - International Automotive Safety Program Management
Leading program management for achieving 5-star vehicle safety requirements for the European New Car Assessment Programme (Euro-NCAP).
Navigating program through multiple challenges involved in preparation for obtaining Euro-NCAP certification spread over a two-year duration, including baseline establishment, development of countermeasures, pre-official test series and final official test series in Europe.
Steering engineering/manufacturing teams including Vehicle Test, Body-in-White, Seats, Chassis, Closures, Exteriors, Interiors, Autopilot, Battery, Quality through a tight timeline towards performance target. Bridging solutions with European test partner to effectively implement upcoming protocol revisions and more stringent assessment metrics.
II. Technical Experience - Design for Crashworthiness and Durability
Leading development of full-vehicle numerical simulation models using the Finite Element Method to enable improved and efficient design for safe, robust vehicle components that can withstand highly dynamic impact and loading events, targeted towards crash-worthiness and durability.
Enabling accurate prediction of complex mechanical behavior and solving multi-physics problems by implementing multiple modeling, computational, optimization and programming platforms such as LS-DYNA, Abaqus, Ansys, Hyperworks, Digimat, Beta CAE, TOSCA, LS-OPT and Python.
2. École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Lausanne, Switzerland
Research Scientist Apr 2015 – Jan 2017
Mechanical Engineering
Developing mechanical models using finite element method (FEM) simulations in AbaqusTM for small-scale, reconfigurable systems comprising of soft actuators, with applications in robotic grasping, biomedical rehabilitation, wearable systems and locomotion.
Characterizing non-linear, hyper-viscoelastic behavior exhibited by elastomeric materials used in these actuators for the achievement of flexible, controlled and predictable actuation motion, in combinations of extension, contraction, bending, or twisting, with control inputs such as pressurized fluid.
Validating model predictions with experimental testing for desired motion and force profiles, so as to enable rapid, efficient design of versatile actuators with embedded mechanical intelligence.
3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA
Postdoctoral Associate Aug 2013 – Mar 2015
Microsystems Technology Laboratories
Worked on computational modeling, fabrication and testing of a microfluidic cooling platform to address high thermal dissipation in novel Gallium Nitride (GaN) based power microelectronic devices with applications in power amplifiers for aerospace and military.
Developed multiphysics simulation models to characterize thermal-fluid behavior; optimized fluid flow and microfluidic channel configuration in complex material stack based on model results, to maximize cooling and achieve targeted temperature uniformity in GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs).
Designed, integrated and tested microfluidic cooling platform for high coolant flow rate capability, to enable high power density, low cost operation of on-chip electronic circuitry.
4. Intel Corporation Portland, OR
Process Module, Yield and Integration Engineer Jul 2012 – Jul 2013
Portland Technology Development Group
Worked on research and development of fabrication processes for Intel's next generation microprocessors using state-of-the-art equipment and materials; Lead scientific research enabling manufacture of innovative device architectures coupled with the realization of these architectures.
Designed, executed and analyzed experiments throughout stages of development to meet challenging engineering specifications for new technology processes.
5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA
Graduate Research Assistant Aug 2007 – Jun 2012
Mechanical Engineering Department
Invented new techniques for structuring selective self-assembled microsystems - combined an exploitation of microfabrication techniques and small scale mechanics, enabling the achievement of a template-based control for generating complex architectures, with potential applications in medical diagnostics, chemical sensors and metamaterials.
Developed mechanics based models by characterizing deformations using elastic-plastic theories of contact for predicting success of self-assembly with different material combinations.
Successfully validated theoretical models with experimental testing to assemble multiple component-substrate material combinations, with a range of mechanical properties.
Presentations and Invited Seminar Talks
“Computational Mechanics for Designing Novel Soft Robotic Systems“, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, Apr. 2016.
“Designing Reconfigurable Robotic Systems with Stretchable Materials“, Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA, USA, Apr. 2016.
“Mechanical Modeling and Design of Soft Pneumatic Actuators using the Finite Element Method”, National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Robotics, EPFL, Switzerland, Nov. 2015.
“Modeling Deformation in Soft, Selectively Assembled Microsystems”, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College, London, Mar. 2015.
“Thermal Analysis and Microfluidic Cooling for Power Microelectronics”, Oak Ridge National Laboratories, Sep 2014.
“Selective Micromanufacturing in Deformable Systems using Templated Assembly by Selective Removal”, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Sep 2014.
“On-Chip Microfluidic Cooling and Thermal Management for GaN HEMTs”, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, Jul 2014.
“Single-Phase Microfluidic Cooling for Power Microelectronic Devices”, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Boston University, Jul 2014.
“Managing High Thermal Dissipation in Power Microelectronic Devices using Microfluidic Cooling”, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Northeastern University, MA, Jun 2014.
“Diverse Accessible Heterogeneous Integration and On-Chip Cooling”, Defense Research Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) PI Meeting, Santa Barbara, CA, Nov 2013.
“Template-Guided Size-Selective Sorting and Assembly of Mammalian Cells”, Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO), Self-Assembled Architectures and Devices, Snowbird, Utah, Apr 2012
“Chip-based Cell Patterning and Sorting using Templated Assembly by Selective Removal (TASR)”, Microsystems Annual Research Conference 2012, Waterville Valley, New Hampshire, Jan 2012
“Templated Assembly by Selective Removal (TASR) for Size-Selective Sorting of Biological Materials”, ASME First Global Congress on Nano Engineering for Medicine and Biology (NEMB), Houston, TX, Feb 2010
“Selective Sorting of Biological Materials using Templated Assembly by Selective Removal (TASR)”, Microsystems Annual Research Conference 2010, Boston, Massachusetts, Jan 2010.
“Shape Selective Assembly in Deformable Systems using Templated Assembly by Selective Removal (TASR)”, Microsystems Technology Laboratories (MTL) MEMS Seminar Series at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sep 2009
“Shape Selective Assembly in Deformable Systems using Templated Assembly by Selective Removal (TASR)”, Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO), Self-Assembled Architectures and Devices, Utah, Apr 2009
“Shape Selective Assembly in Deformable Systems using Templated Assembly by Selective Removal (TASR)”, Micro-Nano Seminar Series in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mar 2009
“Templated Assembly by Selective Removal (TASR)”, Microsystems Annual Research Conference 2009, Waterville Valley, New Hampshire, Jan 2009
Professional Service
Graduate Association of Mechanical Engineers, MIT (Vice-President) 2011-2012
Mechanical Engineering Faculty and Industrial Seminar Chair, MIT 2011-2012
Mechanical Engineering Graduate Association of Women, MIT (President) Spring 2012
Mars Gravity Biosatellite Project, MIT and Georgia Tech. (Technical Team Lead) 2007-2009
Extra-Curricular Service
Ashdown House Social Committee (Chair) 2010-2011
Microsystems Technology Laboratories Social Committee (Co-Chair) 2009-2012
Professional Membership/Affiliation
Sigma Xi
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
International Society for Nanoscale Science, Computation and Engineering
Society of Automotive Engineers
Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society